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Contemporary Designer Furniture

Chess Table

Chess Game Table

Chippendale Walnut and Maple

Chippendale Designer Furniture
Why Solid Wood? Nothing communicates integrity like meticulously joined solid wood construction.
Veneer construction will need repair in short order compared to solid work. If solid woodwork needs repair, the initial effort in making will help in these matters. Dents, dings and other damage are easily smoothed. Venereed panels have an unnatural appearance, the grain patterns foriegn to the human eye.
I endeavor to leave wide widths of solid wood in my work. 25"+ widths are not uncommon.
The grain and figure of wide solid pieces are set alive, developing unbroken; creating a feast for the eye and fingertips.
The hand glides across surfaces, delighting to the organic rhythm of polished wood. The eye flows easily over intact splendor; brilliant, glowing fields of figure. Logical and yielding to the mind.
Tom Hannah
P.O. Box 4054
Estes Park, CO 80517