Home Decor
Custom Furnitire

Rocking Chair

Custom Wood Rocking Chair

Dovetailed for Strength

Chairs by Tom Hannah
None of the tools used for my woodwork are made in China
Oh sure, there is a metal vise from China; Good, Heavy and Cheap!
But I work wood...
The best wood chisels are resurrected vintage American. Swan & Witherby Brand.
I've given Backburner to Japanese saws in lieu of antique Disstons.
My bandsaw is an older Delta, the lathe a Rockwell U.S.A.
My planes are old Stanley and brass infills I've made from AMerican material.
I drill with Yankee, Goodell Pratt and Russell Jennings.
I measure with Starrett, and clamp with Jorgenson.
My bench is American Black Cherry, handmade with handtools (when Cherry was 1/3 the price).
Nothing against China, just the products they send over to us doesn't fit the quality profile needed.
The older American stuff fits perfectly!
In my opinion, the older American quality creates the nature of this shop.
Tom Hannah
P.O. Box 4054
Estes Park, CO 80517